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Volume 4, Issue 12 December, 2007 |
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Christmas and Happy New Year
Board Meeting: General Membership Meeting: FUEL RE-IMBURSEMENT PRICE FOR
DECEMBER: $3.74 The Board of Directors would like to
take this occasion to thank Bill Zerfas and Reggie Sanders for all their
hard work and coordinated efforts to reupholster "Little Bird"
-- our beloved 375. Winter Flying is here, Jim Eyre has posted a great article on the web site everyone should read. Cold Weather Operations Heaters are on the planes again, so it is time to take a few extra minutes to make sure the heaters are hooked up properly, and blankets are back over the cowling. PLEASE DO NOT ADJUST ANY DIAL ON THE HEATERS, Jim Eyre has them set correctly. Watch out for the extension cords on the hangar floor. T-Craft Members will have the opportunity to select who they feel will best represent our Club in the January General Membership Meeting. We will vote for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Facilities Director positions. Bill McGlynn will be chairing our prestigious Nominations Committee this year. Be sure to have your nominee's name ready when his team calls. Garmin 430 video from our library is missing, if you have checked it out, please return it as it is a frequently used item. REMEMBER: Club planes should ALWAYS be fueled with our fuel cards unless off site, even if there is no receipt. 93S also has new fuel card, please follow instructions on back of card and pump screen. To maintain eligibility for Avemco Insurance each pilot is responsible to keep your Medical and BFR current. We are interested in stories and/or pictures of trips from the membership! Please remit to secretary@t-craft.org or call Jeff Vanhoozer (ph: 861-3972). Winter Flying Hours are in effect December, January and February. You may fly all three of your use it or lose it hours in one month, or any combination of these three months. PLEASE
#15. You can order Apparel from Bulldog Shirt Shop in Nampa on 12th Ave. They have our logo and will put it on any item in there catalog. Click on their name for the map and phone number. Please keep your contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, postal address) updated in Schedule Master. To check or update your contact information, login to Schedule Master, click the "User" tab at the top, then click the link that says "Click here to edit your user info" which appears just above the list of users. Gift Certificates are now
available. Contact the Board of Directors for more information. |
Remember: Monitor 121.5 after landing, and before shutdown, to be sure the ELT in your aircraft hasn't been activated. Aircraft doors and locks are VERY SENSITIVE. Insert keys and gently turn. Slamming doors and forcing keys to operate seriously harms latches and security devices. 375: Interior reupholstering complete. 686: In the shop for reupholstering and exterior repaint. Fuel line compromised by control cable. Repaired. 64L: Nothing to Report 91X: Engine in assembly. Could have engine back in a couple of weeks. 0YD: Nick in prop filed out; prop painted. Wheel pants off. 93S: Annual completed. New brakes installed. HSI issues are being investigated. USE TACH TIME FOR
SQUAWKS PLEASE. This helps the maintenance team tremendously!
The New Year Safe flying Jeff Beers Please let Jeff Beers know when you earn new wings levels, or pass other milestones like first solo, new ratings, etc. The
Board has decided to allow any members wishing to post classified ads in
the newsletter for aviation items only. ANY MEMBER CAN REQUEST THE
MINUTES FROM ANY MEETING. Any member that would like a copy of any meeting
minutes can contact Jeff Vanhoozer
by email. Any member of the board can provide the minutes as well. |