T-Craft Aero Club Membership meetings are held on the last Thrusday of the month, except during the summer months of June, and July. Also, there is no membership meeting in December. Club business is discussed and a program concerning safety or another topic appropriate to the group.

The Board meeting is held on the third Thursday of every month. Members are encouraged to attend the Board Meetings, as well as guests applying for membership.

Club Meetings are held in our hanger unless noted otherwise, some meetings may be zoomed.

Safety is very important to T-Craft Aero Club. Monthly safety articles are published in the club newsletter and safety meeting are held regularly. Please contact the Membership or Safety Director with ideas or suggestions for safety topics.

All members are encouraged to maintain flying proficiency through club meetings, policies, newsletters and club currency requirements.

Upcoming Events 2025:

(Safety and Special Meetings subject to change)


January 16th at 7:00 PM Board meeting
January 30th at 7:00 PM General Membership meeting - 2024 Year in Review and Board Elections.   Meeting at Idaho Pizza Co, 7444 W Fairview, Boise (NWC of Cole and Fairview).  Come early to order and eat. Call 208-375-4100 if you would like to order in advance. Menu at: https://www.idahopizzacompany.com/
February 20th at 7:00 PM Board meeting
February 27th at 7:00 PM General Membership meeting -  Meeting at Idaho Pizza Co, 7444 W Fairview, Boise (NWC of Cole and Fairview).  Come early to order and eat. Call 208-375-4100 if you would like to order in advance. Menu at: https://www.idahopizzacompany.com/
March 8th  8:00 AM

Aviation Safety Stand Down -  Riverside Hotel and Conference Center, Boise. 8:00 am -4:30 pm  Lunch and refreshments are included with your advanced registration. Register at: https://www.eventleaf.com/e/25AviationStandDown

March 20th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
March 25th at 7:00 PM

General Membership meeting -  Jim Hudson's Backcountry Seminar 

Meeting at Idaho Pizza Co, 7444 W Fairview, Boise (NWC of Cole and Fairview).  Come early to order and eat. Call 208-375-4100 if you would like to order in advance. Menu at: https://www.idahopizzacompany.com/

April 17th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
Dates TBD Poker Run Event
April 24th at 7:00 PM

General Membership meeting -  Meeting at Idaho Pizza Co, 7444 W Fairview, Boise (NWC of Cole and Fairview).  Come early to order and eat. Call 208-375-4100 if you would like to order in advance. Menu at: https://www.idahopizzacompany.com/


May 15th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
May 29th at 4:00 PM Plane Wash / General Membership Meeting
June 13th - 14th Garden Valley Fly-In Camp out on Friday the 13th / Breakfast Saturday the 14th starting at 8:30 am with flying events to follow
June 19th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
July 17th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
August 21st at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office 
August 28th at 7:00 PM

General Membership meeting -  Meeting at Idaho Pizza Co, 7444 W Fairview, Boise (NWC of Cole and Fairview).  Come early to order and eat. Call 208-375-4100 if you would like to order in advance. Menu at: https://www.idahopizzacompany.com/

September 18th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
September 25th at 4:00 PM Plane Wash / General Membership Meeting
October 16th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
October 30th at 7:00 PM General Membership meeting -  Meeting at Idaho Pizza Co, 7444 W Fairview, Boise (NWC of Cole and Fairview).  Come early to order and eat. Call 208-375-4100 if you would like to order in advance. Menu at: https://www.idahopizzacompany.com/
November 20th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office 
November 25th at 7:00 PM General Membership meeting -  Meeting at Idaho Pizza Co, 7444 W Fairview, Boise (NWC of Cole and Fairview).  Come early to order and eat. Call 208-375-4100 if you would like to order in advance. Menu at: https://www.idahopizzacompany.com/
December 18th at 7:00 PM Board meeting - Hanger Office
December 25th Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - NO General Membership meeting this Month

Updated 2/24/2025