All prospective members must read the T-Craft Information and Application Packet which includes detailed information on T-Craft policies, operating procedures, and the application form you need to fill out.  You also must read the Constitution and By-Laws to understand how the club is organized and run by its members.

The minimum age for any member is 16 years old.

If you have questions about the club, please contact the Membership Director at 208-617-0594 or, or any member of the Board of Directors.

Process for Joining T-Craft Aero Club

You will need to attend the next T-Craft Board Meeting to be accepted for membership. A list of upcoming meeting dates is available on the T-Craft Calendar.

Before attending the board meeting, you should view the Flight Log System training video.

All new members, including Student pilots, must have a current FAA Medical (or Basic Med for current pilots) before joining the club.

Please provide the original or copies of the following items to your T-Craft Board Meeting interview:

  • Completed Membership Application
  • Completed New Member Questionnaire
  • Check payable to T-Craft Aero Club for appropriate membership fee ($800 for Class I or $1,200 for Class II)
  • Driver's license (both sides)
  • Driving record which can be purchased online from the Idaho DMV.
  • Completed Pilot History Questionnaire
  • Current pilots need to bring copies of your:
    • Medical Certificate or Basic Med documents
    • Pilot Certificate (both sides)
    • Most recent Flight Review endorsement.
    New student pilots can provide these documents as they are earned after joining the club.

The T-Craft hangar is located at the Nampa Municipal Airport. The main security gate is on Airport Road immediately west of the Warhawk Air Museum.

For security reasons, the gate code will not be published here. Please contact the Membership Director for further instructions to the T-Craft hangar.

First Things to do as a New Member

  • View the training video on the Flight Log System that is used to check aircraft in and out of the hangar.
  • After being approved for membership by the Board of Directors, you will need to attend the next general membership meeting (see the club calendar for dates). You can schedule planes and start flying after your check-out immediately after board approval, however you must attend the next general membership to be introduced, and voted in by the club membership.
  • Setup a time to meet with your sponsor (any existing club member). Don't worry if you don't already know a club member, we will find a sponsor for you. Your sponsor will show you around the hangar, answer your questions, and make sure you understand the procedures for reserving, checking out a plane, refueling, and post-flight cleaning.
  • You will need to get checked out by a club approved CFI for all models you intend to fly. Schedule a club check out flight(s) with a club-approved instructor. For each aircraft model, you'll have to fill out a data sheet prior to your checkout flight(s). Checklist and POH are on the fleet page. Print out the check-out documents and bring them to your club check out session.